If you are making a donation for a memorial or honorary remembrance please choose the Memorial or Honorary Credit Card donation button on this page which is specifically designed for us to gather information to send to the family or persons that you wish to honor or memorialize.
If you are making a donation for a memorial or honorary remembrance please choose the Memorial or Honorary Credit Card donation button on this page which is specifically designed for us to gather information to send to the family or persons that you wish to honor or memorialize.

Help Us Save the Lives of Pets
Here is how your monetary gifts can help enrich and save the lives of the homeless and helpless animals in our care.
• $35 provides intake vaccines and testing for one incoming GSHS animal
• $50 provides a week’s supply of cat litter for our felines.
• $100 provides three surgeries to help end pet overpopulation
• $250 provides a litter of kittens or puppies necessary vaccines & de-worming meds
• $500 provides live saving heartworm treatment for 2 shelter dogs
Should you want to donate stock, other investments or remember Grand Strand Humane Society in your estate planning please click on the link below for more information. Thank you for your continued support!
When sending a Memorial, Honorary or Critical Care Fund gift, you have the option of including information in the “Add a Note” or “Leave a Note” box. This can include your mailing address, the name and address of the person or family where an acknowledgement is to be sent as well as the reason for your gift. Memorial gifts can be made in memory of loved ones or former pets and Honorary gifts can be made for special occasions. Please include as much information as possible so we can be sure to send the proper acknowledgements.
If you are making a donation for a memorial or honorary remembrance and would like for us to gather information to send to the family or persons that you wish to honor or memorialize please choose the Memorial or Honorary Credit Card donation button on this page which is specifically designed for this.
Grand Strand Humane Society also accepts designated monetary gifts for animals in need of Critical Medical Care including heart worm treatment. Every year we take in many animals that are in immediate need of lifesaving medical treatment due to cruelty, neglect, injury and lack of routine veterinary care. Our Critical Care Fund helps provide these sick, injured and abused animals a second chance at life. These cases are usually very costly so we put out a plea when expensive medical treatment is necessary. When you donate, you can do so using your Paypal account or credit card and indicate that your donation is for the Critical Care Fund and name the animal you have in mind if a specific plea has been made. Otherwise, your donation will be used for heart worm treatments or future emergency medical needs.
Heart worm treatment is an expensive treatment but curable and once completed dogs will go on to live a happy and healthy life. Donations can be made here on our website using the Critical Care Option with a notation that you would like your donation to go towards the dogs in need of this treatment. If you have a specific dog in mind that is heart worm positive please mention his or her name and we will be sure to allocate your donation to their treatment. What better way to show your love for shelter pets than to contribute to their lifesaving treatments?